Responsabilité Civile Entreprises


Businesses are obliged to repair any harm they cause to others.

This liability can arise in many circumstances:

It can come about from various situations (such as a wrongful action, failure to comply with the terms of a contract, non-performance, etc.), both during the day-to-day running of the business and after delivery of the products it has manufactured, for which it is still liable;

It can be caused by the business itself (due to its activity or premises, for example) as well as its owner or employees;

It concerns harm caused to all types of third parties (customer, supplier, visitor, etc.);

Elle peut être contractuelle (inexécution ou mauvaise exécution de ses obligations contractuelles) ou délictuelle ou quasi- délictuelle (dommages causés hors du cadre contractuel).


Suisscourtage has a team of specialised technical experts to advise you on the cover that best meets your requirements :

Civil liability for “occupancy of premises”

Liability of corporate officers (mismanagement, error of fact or law, breach of regulatory obligations, etc.)

Operational civil liability

Continuous health and safety information via a security hotline

Civil liability for environmental damage / cover for « pollution » environmental damage

Physical injury suffered by employees: inexcusable action of the employer

Harm caused by company employees

Product-related liability (after delivery or after acceptance)

Withdrawal costs for a product presenting a risk

Collection and redelivery costs for the defective/hidden defect/erroneous product delivered by the company and its replacement with a non-defective product